Orpheus Internet Online Contact Form
Thursday May 9th, 2024 - 1:44am
Orpheus Internet Services

Request form for domain registrations

Please complete every field on this form. We cannot process your order without all information.

Domain: The name of the domain in question.
Registrant name: This is the person or organisation the domain is registered for. Once the domain is registered you cannot alter this, and whoever you enter here will be the official owner of the domain.
Address 1: Address of registrant
City/Town:City or Town
Country:Country - generally 'UK'
Email:Registrant's contact email address
Phone:Registrant's contact phone number
Your name:This is your name - not required for the domain registration, but in case we should need to contact you about anything.

Please complete the following fields if you want the paperwork/invoice to be sent to a person different to the registrant (domain owner) above. This is not required for domain registration but will simplify our administration and allow us to process your domain registration promptly.

Contact name: This is the contact person for our administration and/or billing purposes. If you leave this field blank, it will be assumed to be the same person as the registrant above.
Address 1: Address to send invoice, if different to above.
City/Town:City or Town, if different to above.
County:County, if different to above.
Postcode:Postcode, if different to above.
Email:Additional contact email address, if different to above.

Please note that clicking Submit forms a legally binding contract and the domain listed above will be registered for you. We will then invoice you for the relevant amount. Please ensure that you have read and understood our hosting tariffs. To re-read them, please click here.

Accept terms and conditions: Please tick this box to confirm that you accept our terms and conditions. Ticking this box gives us authority on your behalf to register the domain requested for you.

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