Email Services
Tuesday February 18, 2025 - 02:41:19
Orpheus Internet Services Ltd

Email Services

Choose your own email domain

We have a number of domains that we've registered for our subscribers to use.

Orpheus subscribers can choose an email address at any of the following domains:-

We have also exclusively licenced the following domains for our subscribers to use


If you are an Orpheus customer who just wishes to have one of these e-mail addresses and no other services then they can be provided for an annual cost of £40

Spam/Junk folder service 2023

In 2023 various companies have now fully implemented SPF & DKIM as good measures to help prevent Spam and fraudulent emails. We have done likewise to protect and enhance our services that we offer to our customers. Historically with Spam we have detected and deleted this so most Spam has never arrived in our customer's Inboxes and this has helped to keep the clutter down on our servers. However since DKIM has been implemented we have noticed that quite a few of the banks and other large companies using the internet to do their business now send out verification emails. Unfortunately some haven't (as of Sept 2023) correctly set up the mail systems they use which means that we have classified the verification emails as spam and not passed them onto our customers.

So as of September 4th we will now have all email accounts with Spam/Junk folders into which any mail classified as Spam/Junk will be put. As Spam mail is approx 60% of the mail we process if this was to be stored and left to our customers to manage it would become onerous, so we have decided that after 7 days the earliest day will be automatically deleted and the server will continue each day to remove the oldest Spam/Junk emails. We feel this is the most responsible way to handle the Spam/Junk whilst at the same time allowing you access to the verification emails. This system is only applicable to the Spam/Junk folder on your account it will not delete emails from any other folder you may have created including the Inbox.

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